Not-for-profits, charities and civil society organisations have intellectual assets just like any other enterprise. These can be used to generate revenue and raise the funds necessary to further your cause.
Being a not-for-profit does not mean that your intellectual assets, particularly your brand, are not important. At Alpha & Omega we will guide you on how to utilise your intellectual assets when partnering commercial entities and implement successful cause marketing campaigns [Commercial Co-Ventures (CCVs)].
Established not-for-profits such as YMCA, The American Redcross, Rotary club and St. Jude’s Hospital, started small but they grew by using their brands and intellectual assets purposefully to attract for-profit partners.
For-profits need not-for-profits to advance their reputation by giving back to society through corporate social responsibility initiatives. There are plenty of opportunities to build collaborations and convert not-for-profit brands into valuable fund raising tools.
Our services include: